Tuesday, July 23

The Living Christ Church Bulletin Board

As I stated in an earlier post, When I started my blog I decided right then & there that it would be a platform to share my creative endeavors - whatever they be!  I was recently asked to be in charge of decorating our church bulletin board. If you missed my first attempt, you can see it here. This is my latest . . . {click the blue bar below for more!}

It is based on a document about Jesus called The Living Christ. Before I go too far, I need to give a thank you & a huge shout-out to my friend Ryley for providing the artwork in the center. It is created from the words in The Living Christ document. And I just love it. Email me at mishlunt@yahoo.com if you would like to purchase a copy of the file from Ryley. 
The "banner" at the top is one of my "one-trick pony" things I repeat over & over - Reynolds butcher paper with a gold paint marker. I just free-handed it & I'm sure that's obvious. Ha ha. 
I thought it might be nice to include some quotations about why this document is important & why we should study it. These are what I ended up using.
I'm crazy about this bulletin board paper because it is the right height. In the past I've used other paper that I had to patch together & it doesn't look as nice. (Plus this pattern looks cool!) I think this product on Amazon might be it or similar to it. 
I'm still struggling to fill the immense space on a big bulletin board! Plus, as a designer I always believed in "negative space" so I'm working on ditching that for a clutter-y look. 

Click here for more church bulletin board inspiration!

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