Sunday, June 30

A Box of Sunshine Missionary Care Package

While looking for an inexpensive package to send to our missionaries, I stumbled upon the idea of a Box of Sunshine. {Click the blue bar below to read more!}

Since there were six missionaries to send packages to, the budget for each one was slim. So I just went to the dollar store & bought anything I could find that was yellow . . . 
The boxes included: sticky notes, yellow candy, band-aids, a bouncy ball, lip balm, duck clips for kitchen leftovers, flowers (I took them off the stem) & shredded paper.  I also created some printable uplifting quotes about sun & light.
I love this one by Benjamin Franklin, "Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."
And if we're talking about light, why not include a scripture about the Light of the World?

Each box had a note from our ward. You can personalize this one to say, "From: (whoever)" . . . 

By the way, I couldn't believe the irony - about the same time that I was making my care packages, Sis was creating a Basket of Sunshine for each of the ladies in her church worship group (they call it WOW). 
How cute is this? Her note says, Let Your Light So Shine. She found these pretty yellow bowls & put a little lemon bundt cake in each one. I'm sure the ladies flipped over them! 

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