Sunday, May 19

5 Tips for Styling Areas Above Cabinets

Hello Friends, I recently helped my Sis "fluff up" some of the areas in her home. In my last post, I showed you her powder room. {Click here if you missed it.} Next, I wanted to show the area above her kitchen cabinets. There are so few pictures because the light was terrible & I was exhausted. But I would still like to share my philosophy about decorating above cabinets. In just a few words it is this: keep it sparse. In the past, I remember decorating these areas with quite a few accessories & plants. Not any more. Now I feel that simpler is just better. 

Keeping that in mind, we chose just two areas & decorated them with groupings. Here's one . . . {click the blue bar below to see more!}

Amazingly, we did all our shopping in one day at Home Goods. 
So here are my tips:

1) Choose something large as a "backdrop" of sorts to put in the back of the grouping. Here it is a cutting board.

2) Vary the heights - some tall & some short.

3) Use some faux greenery. These aren't real plants, but they sure look like it. 

4) Use books, pieces of foam, or whatever you can find to lift the accessories up where you can see them. {Most cabinets have a recessed area below the front trim.}

5 ) Don't overdo it! Keep it to just a few large items instead of a lot of little things. In this case we used four or five accessories. But it is a huge kitchen, so it didn't look overwhelming.

This area has a basket as the backdrop & it is more colorful in person. Both areas are pretty neutral because we tend to redo this & then leave it for years, so I didn't want sis to feel tied to any certain color palette. 

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