Saturday, April 13

Spring & Easter Ideas Round-Up

Ah Spring! What a wonderful time of year. I love to decorate my entry area for changes in the seasons. Here are some posts with spring decor inspiration . . . 

First of all, I like this "Easter without the Easter bunny" decor {click here} . . . 

Annnnnnd another green & white "Welcome Spring" vignette can be found here.
 But I don't ALWAYS decorate with green & white! Here's some cheery yellow for you. {Click here for more.}
How about some table inspiration? Here ya go!
I also love to use the "Jelly Bean Prayer" at this time of the year. Find it here. 
Here's a recipe for an Easter brunch - {click here!}
And another great Easter brunch recipe HERE.
Here's one more - an alternative to candy in the Easter basket here.

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