Sunday, August 26

A Delicious Keto-Friendly Chocolate Mousse

Soooo we have a wedding coming up & in an never ending effort to slim down, I am giving the keto diet a try. I'm not an expert at all & I'm definitely learning as I go. I started a "Where Did My Waste Go?" page on Pinterest where I am collecting information & recipes for keto. You can find it here.  Anywho, keto food is delicious & really satisfying but sometimes I do miss sugar. {Click the blue bar below for more . . .}

I found this recipe on Pinterest {can't figure out who to credit it to though} & I adapted it a little. The original recipe calls for white chocolate, but I used milk chocolate 'cause that's how I roll. And because I tried both & I thought the milk chocolate tastes better. I also experimented quite a bit to figure out how to make it without it being lumpy so I've included some instructions below. Enjoy!

  • 1.4 oz. sugar-free dry chocolate pudding mix
  • 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup hot water
Make sure to start with cream cheese that is completely softened or your recipe will turn out lumpy. Mix the dry pudding mix with the cream cheese first. Stop the mixer after each step & scrape down the sides of the bowl. After mixing well, slowly add 1 cup of very hot water while continuing to mix. Finally, slowly add in the cream. Refrigerate. Serve with just a little bit of berries for garnishment. 

PS - I served this at Carly's bridal shower & the guests loved it. They didn't even realize it was sugar-free. 

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