Saturday, July 21

Lemons to Lemonade Activity

Every other month or so we have an activity for the ladies at church. Our last activity was called "Lemons to Lemonade". It was an evening to ponder how even life's challenging circumstances can be turned around for good. {Click the blue bar below for more.}

We had some cute yellow decorations for our food table - and in the spirit of the theme - decided to take advantage of the classroom chalkboard instead of covering it up. 
We offered lots of cute & delicious little lemon treats & water flavored with mint & lemons.
Annndddd it looks like we didn't have any cute serving utensils {note the little plastic forks - LOL}. Here's my very talented friend Pam helping set up our food table.

We shared some scriptures to offer encouragement in times of trouble such as: 1 Peter 5:10
10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
We also participated in a service project for our local homeless center. The women brought coloring books, crayons, markers, colored pencils, puzzle books, etc. These supplies were divided up in to age appropriate packets for the children at the Road Home to have some summer fun. We spread the supplies out on tables & the women went around the tables with bags & assembled the packets. We created about 200 "Summer Fun Packets". The homeless shelter was delighted to receive them. 
As a special surprise, we gave out little books for each of the attendees. It is a lemon cookbook with little anecdotes, etc. 
We had a great time & came away with a reminder that "this too shall pass" & that each day can be lived with gratitude. 

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