Monday, November 20

My Friendsgiving Dinner

The minute I heard of  "Friendsgiving", I knew I wanted to host one. So I whipped up this invitation & sent, to 13 of my favorite people & a dinner party was born!{Please feel free to use this invitation & feel in your own details. It was formatted for a 5X7 size.}
I really wanted it to be a "sit down" dinner, so we moved some furniture & set up Mom's old table as well as our usual dining room table. My friend Heidi called Mom's table the "kid's table" {and I KNEW she would! LOL!}. But I thought it turned out pretty for a kid's table . . .{Click the blue bar below to see more}

I found these cute "thankful for" place cards here {thank you Jessica}.
I supplied the meat, drinks & two potato dishes. A few of the friends brought salads, appetizers & dessert. I highly recommend this because friends love to help AND it's much less stressful.

These girls are F-U-N, so we had a great time playing games. One was where I passed out some thought provoking questions & had each friend answer hers. My favorite question - "Would you shave your head for $10,000?". It was great to hear the responses. We also played a game called "Who's the Dude?". Very funny!
And what's a party without favors? I looked & looked & couldn't find much within my budget. I settled on some nice-smelling candles with a little tag on them. 
It was wonderful to spend time with some of my favorite friends. Let me know if you have a Friendsgiving & how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Awww I wanna have a Thanksgiving too... wait sorry... a Friendsgiving! Lol!! This is a really great idea for a friends gathering. Especially friends that live too far to not be able to visit all the time!!


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