Sunday, May 14

A Festive Church Ladies Party

Our ladies auxiliary church organization {called Relief Society} turned 175 this year. We celebrated the occasion with a colorful Alice in Wonderland themed party.  {Click the blue bar below to read more . . .}

We operate on a small budget for these activities - which is how it should be! So coming up with economical decorations requires some creativity. These beautiful poster paper flowers were such a hit. And because they were so large & colorful, they made a huge impact in the large room.
The tablecloths & napkins were mix & match to add to the colorful theme. 
It was a "tea party", so we had soup & finger sandwiches. Everyone's favorite sandwich was the cucumber. We even made the food colorful whenever possible. Your local bakery will custom bake colored bread for you. 
It wouldn't be a party without games. We played "Name that Tune" & Relief Society Trivia. 
Please share in the comments about a fun ladies' church party you've attended!

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