Tuesday, May 2

A Couples Shower for Chris & Kelsey

I've known Christopher all his life & his mom is one of my closest friends. It was such a pleasure to host a couple's shower for him & his beautiful bride Kelsey.
I didn't want to use party decorations that were too girly. I ended up with black, white & green. {It turns out that green is Christopher's favorite color!} I threw in a little burlap & some chalkboard labels to identify the food. There were no flowers - just greenery.

The favors were pretty basic - popcorn in these cute striped bags with a note that said, "Thanks for popping by!".
Oh my - the brunch-y food was so delicious. I just love this Raspberry Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce. CLICK HERE for the recipe.
The groom's Aunt Elaine made these light orange rolls. It was a party in my mouth!
 More deliciousness - virgin Tequilla Sunrise drinks, fruit parfaits & bacon-on-a-stick made by my friend Colette. Frittatas to add some savory flavor. And Christopher's other Aunt Val made french toast sticks with a yummy caramel syrup. 

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