Sunday, March 26

An Exciting TRIPLE Gender Reveal Party

Everyone was over the moon with excitement when three of my friend Jana's kids realized they were all expecting babies AT THE SAME TIME! They decided to have triple the fun with the gender reveal. 
When each little mamma had her ultrasound, the gender of the baby was put in an envelope & given to a designated friend. Not even the parents knew if the babies were boys or girls! {Click the blue bar below to see more.}

The friend prepared these darling boxes (containing pink or blue balloons) which were opened simultaneously to share the happy news with everyone. 
I think my favorite reaction in the photo above is the adorable Laura on the far right. Even though she LOOKS like a teenager, she is mom to FOUR boys. I love the astonished look when she discovered {thank you God} she had a beautiful baby girl on the way. 
Click here if you missed the last post where I shared the hooded baby towels I made for the three baby girls.

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