Sunday, November 27

Our Thanksgiving Tablescape

How was your Thanksgiving? We enjoyed delicious food & quality time with our wonderful family. But my favorite part of hosting is preparing the Thanksgiving table. You know how I love unconventional color schemes for holidays & I was excited to jump "neutral train". So I left the conventional orange & rust behind & decorated with white & green instead. 
(Click the blue bar below to read more . . . )

The key to making a neutral color scheme work is to make sure there is a lot of texture. I love the nubby texture of our tablecloth which is also a PAINTING DROP CLOTH! My table is 8' long & tablecloths for this size can be expensive. Drop cloths are really inexpensive.  I just touched mine with an iron & we were ready to go.
Tip: at least where I live, these fresh ghost pumpkins are only available in the grocery stores up until Halloween. Suddenly, most stores get rid of them the minute November arrives. So I buy ours & keep them in the cool garage until I need them for Thanksgiving.
This year we tried brining the turkey - which is similar to a marinade. It is a salt bath with seasoning. We soaked the turkey in the brine overnight in the garage. The brine is then rinsed off before cooking. We thought the brine made the turkey more flavorful & moist. My friend Melanie does it every year & it is a must for her family. 
- our turkey in the brine -
And when the family is all gathered, it is so worth the time I've spent to make it special for them!

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