Sunday, September 18

Displaying Running Medals

Meet my beautiful friend & client Andrea. She even looks good when she is running! She is very fit & she runs in a lot of races.
When I first saw Andrea's home office, I was taken with all her colorful medals. The only problem? They were clanging around on the knobs of her office doors. I knew we could do better to preserve & display her beautiful medals. We took them to the framer & we were really pleased with the way the project turned out. BUT each frame was about $350. The original post here at Honey I'm Home gets A LOT of attention, so I thought I'd come up with a less expensive framing option to present on the TV show Studio 5.{Click the blue bar below to read more.}

Craft stores such as Hobby Lobby carry shadow box frames which would lend themselves perfectly to a project like this - so they are a great place to start. {And much less expensive than a custom frame.
Here are some more tips . . . 

1) Select your style 
- Decide if you want it ordered & sophisticated OR whimsical & more layered

2) Gather the objects
- 3-d objects can be mixed with flat - such as photos & bib signs

3) Layer or balance
- For a sophisticated style, balance medals according to color & size (use adjacent corners for bright colors, for instance)
- For a whimsical style use lots of layers & texture (for example the crazy sunglasses or a piece of the boa you wore in race for the cure, some chalk to represent the chalk run, etc.)
4) Secure items
- A black background is a winner every time
- Map pins are shorter & work better than long ones {a good alternative to glue}
-Beacon 3-in-1 is good glue to use for this project {I tested it on some ribbon and it didn't soak through or stain in my experience}

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