Saturday, May 14

Local Yocal - The 3 Dotters Vintage Market

I absolutely love living in Utah. There is so much to do & once in a while I like to write a "local yocal" post to highlight fun activities in my area. Recently, I went with my friend Karen to The 3 Dotters flea market in Pleasant Grove. I enjoyed it so much.

First of all, you may remember my dear friend Karen from her house tour {here}. She is a BOSS at collecting & displaying antiques. Of course, going to a flea market with her is much more fascinating than going on my own because of her vast {Google-like} knowledge about all things vintage. AND she knows a good deal when she sees one. 
We ambled through the displays twice - chuckling as we discovered items from our childhood that are now "vintage". For example, these metal ice trays {yes - we used to have to make our own ice!}
Or how about these "ice chests" that could have easily been found in my garage when I was a girl . .  .
Of course, it is always interesting to chat with the vendors - like these two sisters who run their business together . . . or this fascinating man {"Clam" from Wonderland Vintage} who creates tables & carts with salvaged wood. 
By the way, if you ever see this K88 food truck, CHASE IT DOWN THE ROAD until you get a bite. I had the tri-tip steak. It was aaaaa-mazing! 
A few more photos of the vintage goods . . .
Karen & I did find a few things we couldn't live without. I bought one of these pocket watches to put in shadow box frames with my keys. And I found the most unique yellow tool box. I saw it & I fell it love with it immediately. It needed some cleaning. Here it is on my porch . . .
I can't wait for the next 3 Dotters flea market!

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