Wednesday, May 18

A Little Gift for Sara Jane's Twins

Wonderful news! My friend Sara Jane gave birth to beautiful twin boys! 
- Photo by Sara Jane -
They are so sweet & Sara is doing a fantastic job taking care of her family. Even though I already gave the babies a gift {including the onesies & blanket in the photo above}, I still wanted to take a little something with me when I went to see them.

Soooo . . . I went back to an old home-made favorite. It's easy to sew these little pillow toys. And newborns love to look at the B&W geometric patterns. 
When baby gets tired of looking at one geometric pattern {signified by him turning his head & looking away}, there is another pattern on the other side. It's a great game for siblings to play with newborns. 

Here's what you'll need to make your own {besides the basics of scissors, a sewing machine, straight pins, etc.} . . . 

Instructions {hopefully the photos above will help}

Step 1: Cut the fabric into 9" strips {parallel to the selvage}
Step 2: Arrange strips of the two patterns of fabric - right sides together & pin
Step 3: Sew a 1/2" seam all along the raw edges of the 9" strips
Step 4: Cut those long strips crossways every 12" or 13" 
Step 5: With right sides of the fabric still together, sew a 1/2" seam along one of the two remaining open ends
Step 6: Turn the fabric right side out
Step 7: Stuff with polyester fill
Step 8: Fold raw edges in & pin along opening
Step 9: Sew a tiny seam along opening
Step 10: {Optional} Sew another tiny seam along the other adjacent end to make it look uniform 

Sewing tutorials are hard to make! If something doesn't seem clear, please leave a comment. Also {of course I feel obligated to say}, always properly supervise babies when using pillows or toys.
- Photo by Sara Jane -
And here's a pic of me trying to weasel my way in as a third grandma. #GetInLine


  1. I would love to know more about that world of good blanket. Did you make it?

    1. Dear Melissa, I am so embarrassed about how long it has taken me to respond to your question. Please forgive me! I got the swaddling blanket from a company called Modern Burlap. You can find a similar style on Amazon & I put a link on the word blanket below the photo. If you decide to try making your own, please send me a picture!! Thank you for reading!
      Warmly, Michelle


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