Monday, April 11

A Night of Amore Church Party


love; a feeling of great affection
Every once in a while the ladies from church get together & have a fun activity. We eat good food, socialize, & try to do some good along the way. We scheduled this party in conjunction with Valentine's Day, but it could be tweaked to fit anytime of the year.

We handmade Valentines for some of the ladies we know who might be a bit home-bound & lonely. 
We also played "Name that Tune" - which was a big hit! All the songs in the game were old love songs. Our pianist started playing one note, two notes, etc. until someone guessed the name of the song. Then he would play some of the song for us - just to enjoy. When someone at your table guessed right - EVERYONE at the table won a LAVISH prize {from the dollar store} . . . such as a right, stickers, or these fabulous glasses! 
Refreshments were razzleberry {or cherry} pie with ice cream.

AND every month our president Diane makes an apron to give away. Here's the winner. So cute!


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