Saturday, January 2

Best of the Blog 2015

I'm so grateful to you for reading Honey I'm Home. It's been a crazy year for Honey & me. We spent months finding our new home & selling our old one. We also helped a loved one begin the road to recovery from substance abuse. With all that going on, I have to say that I published much less than I would have liked! But it was still a great 2015. In case you missed them, here are a few of the most popular posts {just click on the title to go to the original post} . . .

The #1 Most Popular Post of 2015: 
"From Oak-y to Okey-Dokey Kitchen Update"
My design client's 80's kitchen took on quite a transformation - proving the power of paint!

#2 - Sara Jane's Vinyl Wall Treatment
Every little thing she does is magic! My contributor Sara Jane proved her talent once again with her beautiful living room reveal.

#3 - Walk-In Closet Makeover
. . . and keep in mind - I did it all in a day! {But it just about killed me!}
#4 - A Summer of Beautiful Weddings
We went to SO many weddings this summer. And I mean we saw some gorg-eous-ness. I shared some highlights with you in this post.
#5 - The Wheadon House Entry Way
I introduced you to our new house in a few posts, but this first one about the entry was the most popular.
So that's the Best of the Blog. I hope you have a really great 2016!

CLICK HERE for the Best of 2014

OR HERE for the Best of 2013

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