Saturday, January 9

A Pretty and Organized Pantry

Don't you just love organization? Me too! And when Sis created this organized work of art, I couldn't help but swoon.

Now that the holidays are over, it's time for damage control. Nothing makes me happier than a clean closet. What I like about this pantry is that the foods are grouped in a way that is easy to maintain and keep clean. Jody found these cute canvas bins at . . . wait for it . . . WALMART! For $5 each! Score! 
Sis even has a bin for "health food" and one for "junk food". And if you haven't discovered "lazy susans", you are really missing out. I even have them in my refrigerator. Jody is loving her project & she says that sometimes, when she opens her pantry, it startles her how organized it is! And now a word about "Sis". 
In case you don't already know, Jody is my sister-in-law. BUT she's also the sister I never had. I love her more than words can say. She adds beauty to my life with everything she does. Thank you, Sis, for sharing your pantry awesomeness with us. 
"Hungry" for more pantry organization? {CLICK HERE} to see a similar project in our last house. And you can {CLICK HERE} to see my master closet makeover. 


  1. When originally conceived of by George Lucas in the 1970s, Star Wars was intended as a modern day fairytale and moral parable that would feature recurring themes, motifs, and symbols. learn more

    1. Dear Mr. Lambert, While I am also a fan of Star Wars AND George Lucas - I'm not a fan of spam left in my blog post comments. Please do not do so in the future.

      Thank you, Michelle


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