Monday, December 14

Merry Christmas from Wheadon House PLUS A Fresh Approach for Your Christmas Decor

It's a white Christmas here in Utah & I am having so much fun decorating for the holidays in our new home.  
 I did want to share something I learned during the move though. I had too much seasonal decor! It wasn't until we started packing & moving it that I realized how much. So, I thinned it out to my very favorite stuff & I'm working on using some of my everyday accessories - with a twist - for Christmas. Take the Marlow pitcher {from Pottery Barn} above. It stays on my entry way table & I just change out the botanicals for the seasons. 

Here's the rest of the display . . . 
While shopping for a table runner to put on  the cabinet above, I saw lots that were specifically Christmas. Instead, I opted for this Kate Spade red & white striped runner that can be used all year round. Same with the picture frames. I resisted the urge to buy frames that say "Christmas-y" things on them & opted for these white frames instead. WHY DOES THIS MATTER? I'm excited about less accessories that have to be stored most of the year.
It has been fun using our family pictures to decorate my entry way. CLICK HERE to see more about the photo shoot. I love the happy colors of the antique ornaments. I found them at a flea market years ago. 

We have too many sets of ornaments for different themes of trees - copper & metallic, birds, bright red & green, etc. This year, I whipped out all my sentimental ornaments. Every one has a story.

The red striped ribbon is displayed throughout the house & ties everything together.
 Command hooks are holding up our stockings because the stocking holders I bought didn't fit on our mantle!
Merry Christmas friends!

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