Sunday, December 6

A Christmas Cookie Exchange Hosted by Jen from Tatertots & Jello

Jen Hadfield's Tatertots & Jello was one of the first blogs I ever read/discovered. And who could resist with a blog name like that?! On Saturday Jen hosted a Christmas cookie exchange in her beautifully remodeled 1920's cottage. 
Jen's inviting entry way

 My friend Mel & I enjoyed not only the cookies, but getting a tour of the cottage. You can read more about it on her blog, but Jen restored it & added on to it. It is aaaaa-dorable. AND she had almost every room decked out for Christmas. {Where does she store it all when the holidays are over?!}
SO many yummy cookies & one of her three Christmas trees in the background
The family dog is the same breed as our "Sam" - King Charles Cavalier. She is a sweetie. I went home & told Sam I had found a new girlfriend for him.
My favorite part was when Jen gave us a tour of her home & told us all about how she discovered it & the process of renovating it . . . including how she spend a whole summer scraping the layers of linoleum off & restoring her hardwood floors! 

Thank you so much Jen for a great time!

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