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Monday, March 25

Goldfish "Carrot" Easter Treats

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Looking for a quick & easy
Easter Treat?

How about this great idea
created by my niece for
 her son's preschool class . . . 

The craft store was out of "carrot-shaped" bags, 
so she opted for these pretzel bags instead.
The "carrot greens" are just crinkled paper.
And my favorite part? 
The goldfish are a great alternative to candy.

{PS -  My beautiful niece is VERY pregnant with TWINS,
so how she finds the time/energy to be Supermom - 
I just don't know!}


  1. What a darling idea from a darling girl! Twins! How exciting. Love the idea of goldfish instead of candy. I'm getting really tired of every American holiday being centered on candy, much to my kids dismay. xoxo jules


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