Thursday, November 15

How to Paint a Mirror Frame & a Cute Room for a Cute Teen

While designing a teen's room recently,
I had a difficult time finding a fun
Mirror With a Brightly-Colored Frame.

Luckily, it is SO easy to paint a frame the 
desired color! Here's how . . .
That's it! So easy.

Here's the finished product &
the rest of Brooklyn's room . . .
Most of Brooklyn's furniture & accessories are from
Pottery Barn Teen. The mirror {which was originally black}
 & the pink lamp are from Hobby Lobby. 
The chevron tray on her dresser was purchased at Z Gallerie.


  1. That looks fantastic, love the whole room, but the mirror is especially awesome!!!

    1. Thanks so much Trish. You have wonderful taste, so I'm thrilled that you like it.

      Warmly, Michelle

    2. Where did u get her comforter I love it

    3. Hi Cate, I believe the comforter was from Pottery Barn Teen. Thanks for reading!

      Warmly, MIchelle


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