Friday, November 16

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do - Saying Goodbye to Fabulous Friday

It's Friday, Blog Friends.
The day that I've been hosting a link party
for over a year.

I've really enjoyed it because it was
fun to visit your blogs, see your wonderful projects,
& meet new friends.

But . . . I'm throwing in the "link party" towel.

Here's why:
{The biggest reason is last}
  • In order for your link party to be a success, you have to host it every week. I tried every other week & it just never really got off the ground. Why didn't I want to change to an every week party? Because it takes a huge chunk of time to visit & comment on all the links. Since I blog about creative projects & ideas - it is really hard to make time for both.
  • I hate word verification. Can I get an "amen"? I mean I knew I was borderline dyslexic, but wow . . . sometimes it takes me three attempts to get it right so that I can leave a comment!
  • After years of vacillating, I applied for a Google Adsense account & I WAS DENIED! My blog was deemed "inappropriate". The only reason I can find is that Google doesn't like link parties. And there is a risk of disenfranchisement from the Google search engine. {I learned this at my last blogging conference & I didn't believe it until Adsense rejected me.} I've decided not to risk it any longer.
I'm truly sorry if I'm letting any of you down.

And many thanks to those of you who have been 
SO supportive. I heart you!


  1. I totally understand! Blogging takes much more time than I thought it would...Loved the linky, but happy for you that you can make the decision to do what is best for you!

    1. Hi Ellen, Thanks so much for your comment & for linking such great projects. I could have featured you every time!

      Warmly, Michelle

  2. I am so sad!
    But I get it, completely.
    And I was denied my Adsense too.
    A LOT of amazing bloggers are.
    Who knows.
    Not worth it though.
    Try BlogHer though.
    Your blog would fit perfectly.
    I run my blog through BlogHer and LOVE it.
    Big hugs!

    1. Darling Kari, I'm so grateful that I've gotten to know you & my link party has been a big part of that! Thanks for your wonderful support & friendship. I will look into BlogHer. I applied when I first started out, but didn't hear anything. Maybe now . . . ?

      Warmly, Michelle

  3. awe! I loved your parties. i can't believe they denied you an account. i will really miss your parties but i will still visit often! I can only imagine how much time it takes, i know i just do the features and it takes up a big chunk of time.

    hope to see you soon,

    1. Hello Lauren, Thank you for your sweet comment. I'm such a fan of your work. You have some serious talent. Would you please send me a link of one of your "features posts"? I'd like to see how you do it. I was considering something random where I would just highlight {with permission} some other blogger's projects. Let's keep in touch!

      Warmly, Michelle

  4. Awwww, that stinks for all of us, but we totally understand. Michelle, you are the sweetest!!!

  5. Oh no! Now I am totally worried that this is going to happen to me! Yikes!


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