Monday, October 29

Our Halloween Costume Party

I've always wanted to throw a 
Halloween Costume Party.
{I just love dressing up & being someone else for a day!}

Hunny & I just hosted a party & we 
invited a few of our favorite couples. We had so much fun.
-These were the decorations over the buffet table-

The evening included good food, games & {of course}
Here are a few that knocked my socks off. . .

And Hunny & I were . . . 

A lot of our guests brought their
favorite hors d'oeuvres & the food was SO delicious!
{Since we weren't having a "sit down dinner", 
I planned for things you could eat without a fork.}

For the drinks, we enjoyed telling our guests to
 "pick your poison"! 
We purchased some colorful syrups from
World Market & the grocery store for the vials.
{My girl Martha Stewart hooked me up with the plastic vials which came with the labels.}
We put some club soda & ice in a pitcher & 
everyone mixed their own {non-alcoholic} drink.

What are you going to be for Halloween?


  1. Wow! You folks went ALL OUT with your costumes. Very inspirational. I love the gender flip of little red and the wolf; and Mary and Burt is just so precious. I still don't know what we're doing in terms of costumes.... Eek!


    1. Hi Lauren, Thanks so much for stopping by & for your sweet comment. Wish we lived close to each other - I have lots of costumes you could borrow!

      Warmly, Michelle
      PS - I just stopped by your beautiful blog. I really enjoyed my visit there!

    2. You're so kind! Thanks for your visit to my blog. It's great to make connections with other blogger "friends" isn't it? I'm now following you through blog lovin' so I can see your lovely posts each day.


      P.S. You look too young to be a grandmother! I thought you were in your twenties when I saw your photo. I think you've got some great genes or a special secret I'd love to learn.... ;-)

  2. Darling costumes. Still laughing over little red and the wolf! Too smart! And your food spread... MMMMMMMM. I do believe that your girl Martha delivered with those vials; those are great! xoxo jules
    ps... you're the cutest Mary Poppins EVER!

    1. Thanks so much, darling Jules. It was SO much fun to be Mary Poppins. I carried around a measuring tape - measuring people to see if they were "practically perfect in every way" {you sure are!}.

      Warmly, Michelle

  3. i LOVE the mary poppins! that's so cute! and the pick your poison! what a great party it looks like.

  4. Wow, what great costumes, everyone went all out, definitely saving this for next year! Looks like such a fun party!

  5. I love your "Pick your poison" idea! Great for any party :) Thanks!

  6. I love your "Pick your poison" idea! Great for any party :) Thanks!


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