Wednesday, October 24

How to BEWITCH Your Table Legs

If you've been reading my blog for a while,
you may remember me talking about my
*Domestic Goddess Friend Cathy*

She's a constant source of inspiration &
I just had to share her latest creation . . .
Cathy bought 2 identical pair of witch stockings &
2 pairs of black witchy shoes at the thrift store.

After snipping the stockings, they were attached
with rubber bands at the top of the table legs.

She drilled a hole in the bottom of each shoe
for the table legs to go through.
{So the table would still be level with the shoes on.}

Cathy also used some tulle for shoe laces.
It looks fantastic!
And it was so inexpensive.
 Of course, the rest of the house is also
decorated for Halloween . . . 
She even decorates the exterior of her house 
with Halloween lights.

When I stopped by to see my dear friend,
she was on her way to a mystery dinner party
{AND she was in costume, of course!}
Here's the adorable Cathy . . .


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