Friday, August 31

Would You Indulge a Proud Mom?

So my cute son has been in
some of the ads for his university
& since I've been
busting my buttons with pride
happy to see him in print,
I wanted to share with you.
Ahhh, isn't he so adorable?

Here he is "slack-lining"
{I try not to think about it}.
Ironically, I also modeled for some
college publications WAY back in the day -
when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
{But he's much cuter than I was!}

BTW, Click here if you'd like to join in on 
my latest linky party.


  1. Good looking kid....not surprised! Also, I've never heard of slack lining, but from the looks of it, I don't wanna know! How fun for you and your son to have shared similar experiences....c'mon, Michelle, we need to see your print ads!!
    All Best,

    1. Hello Laura, Thank you for your sweet comment. Luckily for you, I'm not sure where my ads are! Ha ha.

      Warmly, Michelle

  2. He is adorable. Oh to be about 30 years younger....Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment, Laura - and for indulging me. My weekend was great. Hope yours was too!

      Warmly, Michelle

  3. What a handsome and adventurous guy...yikes! You should be a proud mama! I remember dinosaurs roaming, too! :)

    1. Hello Cute Pam, Yes, a little too adventurous sometimes! Ha ha. If you were with me & the dinos, you sure do look fantastic!

      Warmly, Michelle

  4. YUP, he's a handsome dude. What the heck is that line/rope thing he is walking on. Looks scary.


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