Saturday, August 18

Mod Podge Filing Cabinets

You've seen them around on the internet -
those awesome 
Mod Podged filing cabinets.

I've been dying to give it a try.
Here's how my project turned out . . .

And here's how the bland "office-y" looking 
cabinets looked before.
Zzzzz . . . oops - sorry I FELL ASLEEP
looking at the "before" photo . . .
All it took was a lot of wrapping paper
copious amounts of Mod Podge.

Oh how I love but hate that *#%@* stuff! 

{I almost made my own Mod Podge - a la Pinterest - 
Click here to read her article about that.}

Anywho, there are lots of wrinkles.
I can't seem to use Mod Podge without making them!
BUT . . . it turned out good anyway.
My advice is to choose a paper with a busy pattern
& then the imperfections are less noticeable.

I like the way it turned out.
{Imperfections aside.}


  1. It looks incredible! I absolutely LOVE this!

    1. Hi Jess, Thanks for your sweet comment. I'm so glad you like it!

      Warmly, Michelle

  2. Stopping by from Nifty Thrifty! wow what a transformation - it went from ugly to so cute and pretty. I love this and love the color and pattern you choose. I'd be tickled if you'd shared this over at Sunday's Best tonight!

  3. Still so stinkin' cute - and was tickled you shared with Sunday's Best! You will inspire others to do the same! I noticed your photo didn't come out when you linked so I added it - I want everyone to see it! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  4. Your project looks amazing and perfectly smooth! My Mod Podge issues were clearly visible, I'm scared to use it again!

    1. I WISH it was perfectly smooth! Amy at Mod Podge Rocks has some good tips for a better result, such as spraying the back of the wrapping paper with primer. Did I take the time to do it? NOOO! But, like I said - the busy pattern in the paper design hides the boo-boos. Don't you just love/hate Mod Podge?!

      Warmly, Michelle

  5. Wow! What a difference! I wanna try this now!

  6. So much cozier! I think lots of folks have a love-hate relationship with the podge! ;)
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  7. Love how they turned out! You've inspired me now to do SOMETHING with our plain white cabinets...whether it means painting or podging! Pinned.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment & for "pinning"! Please send me pictures when you do your cabinets - I'd like to see.

      Warmly, Michelle


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