Sunday, July 1

I'm Late, I'm Late, for a Very Important Date - Fab Friday Favs

Every other Friday I host a party
where other bloggers can share their projects & recipes.

The Friday after the party I highlight a few favorites.
Sorry I'm running late this week,
I've been on a camping trip.
I'll tell you about it next time!

Here are a few of my picks from my last party.

made these awesome 4th of July decorations . . . 

Have you ever been to Italy?
If not, you can enjoy it vicariously through
She shares some incredible photos of her trip!
{Get ready to be impressed.}
I'm always looking for delicious new recipes.
Baking with Blondie linked up a 
I really love these 
at Meeha Meeha.
And finally, 
I've always wanted a card catalog.
{Some of you are so young you may not even know what that is!}
The lovely Lauren at West Furniture Revivals
found one at a thrift store & restored it.
She also shares her drawer printables &
her recipe for chalk paint with you!
Don't miss it.
Many thanks to all who linked a project.
If you were featured,
please feel free to take a button . . . 

Grab My Button


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my post about Italy! I love your blog and always find something wonderful to enjoy here!

  2. It was my pleasure to feature you Erin. I can't believe how spectacular your photos are! And thank you for your sweet compliment.

    Warmly, Michelle

  3. Thanks Michelle for the feature-love! And I forgot to tell you, I laughed my head off over that video where they tried to hold people's hands!!

  4. I was so happy to feature you, Mandy. And I'm glad you thought the video was funny. {I never know if people just think I'm crazy or not!} He he.

    Warmly, Michelle

  5. Thanks for the feature Michelle! I hope you have a rockin good 4th!
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

    1. Hi Christina, Thanks for linking up your fabulous project! You're SO creative!

      Warmly, MIchelle

  6. OMG those Italy pics made my heart melt! Thank you so much for including my photo frames in such talented company!

    1. It was so great to be able to feature your beautiful frames AND I'm crazy about that cool lamp. Please come back again.

      Warmly, Michelle

  7. Thanks so much for featuring my card catalog, i love your parties! I'll be doing a shout out to you on my blog, and i loved the italy pictures, i've never been so i enjoyed them.

    1. Hello Lauren, It's my pleasure to feature your awesome card catalog! You are SO talented. I enjoy having you as a Blog Friend!

      Warmly, Michelle


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