Wednesday, July 25

Good Thoughts Going Out to Blogger, Kari {Seriously Injured in a Hit & Run Accident}

OK, I'll admit it - I've never actually met
a lot of my "Blog Friends" in person.
{But I do hang out with them a lot in my imagination -
no judging please ;D }

is an exception.
Source - Newlyweds on a Budget
I've met her twice in person.
I found her to be genuine, sweet & very creative.
As she makes her newlywed house a home,
Kari sets a modest crafting/decorating budget, 
creates wonderful things, & blogs about it.
Jamielyn, Me, & Kari at SNAP 2012

As I popped over to her blog today,
I learned that my friend was involved in a terrible accident.
While jogging {preparing for a marathon},
 Kari was struck by a drunk driver
who then fled the scene. A neighbor found her & called for help.

Her husband wrote on her blog that
she has sustained a concussion & many broken bones.
Her recovery will take a while.

Kari, you are in my thoughts & prayers.
If you know Kari
{or even if you just care because she is a fellow blogger},
please stop by Newlyweds on a Budget 
& leave her a "get well" comment.
"Mojo" will make sure she hears your messages.
And please consider including her in your prayers.


  1. Oh thats terrible!
    I do know her from blogland and will pop on over and say a prayer.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Kari. I know she & her family will be so grateful.

      Warmly, Michelle

  2. I will both visit Kari's blog and pray for her complete and speedy recovery. I will also share on my blog asking for lots of support and prayers for Kari.

    God answers prayers.


    1. Many thanks, Terry . . . and AMEN!

      Warmly, Michelle

  3. I don't know Kari, but I'm so sorry to hear about such a horrible accident. She's im my prayers, thanks for letting us know.

  4. What is the update on her? Would love to know about her recovery.

    1. Thanks for asking about Kari. She is finally well enough to write about her experiences. I was so thankful for an update post! Check it out here:

      Warmly, Michelle


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