Wednesday, May 16

Imperfect is OK After All!

At the SNAP blogging conference, 
supplied us with a "make & take" sign.

{Here's the darling Vivienne from The V Spot working on her's.}
{We chuckled when the vinyl for her sign stuck to her name badge.}

We were supplied with a piece of wood 
which had been painted & prepared with a texturizing cream.

Vinyl was placed on the surface,
then we applied the paint color of our choice 
& removed the vinyl.

That's when my panic attack ensued.
The paint had bled under the vinyl!
Broken-hearted, I set my project aside for about 2 weeks.

Then, I put my big girl panties on, 
{I've been needing them a lot lately}
finished taking the vinyl off, & sanded like crazy.

Guess what?
I love the way it turned out!
It's supposed to have an "antiqued" look & it does!
I think it looks kinda chippy & vintage-y.
And I really like it.

{I used "Primary Yellow" Americana paint on the edges -
a gift from DecoArt.}

Sometimes things can turn out differently than we pictured,
but still be a success.

Can I get an "amen" from all those fellow
recovering perfectionists
out there?


  1. Amen to embracing imperfection. Your sign is adorable! Love it! xoxo

  2. LOVE it. I have that same sign in orange, commandeered by some friends who were in the class since I didn't get to go.

    1. ATTENTION BLOG FRIENDS: "Char" from Crap I've Made is in 'da house! I love it when blog celebs visit. WAHOO! Thanks for making my day Char. By the way, Char loves affection - if you see her give her a BIG hug! He he.

  3. I happen to think your sign couldn't be more perfect! :) LOVE it too!

  4. Amen! ;)
    It turned out beautifully -- it IS perfect! Love it and featuring it on Facebook:
    Thanks so much for linking up.
    <3 Christina

    1. Thank you Christina, for hosting & for featuring this on Facebook! I would stop by, but I'm the last one on the planet who doesn't have an account. ;D

      Warmly, Michelle

  5. amen i think it looks awesome enjoy

  6. Hi, Michelle

    I love the sign, it looks great. You all seem like you had a blasted at the Snap conference. Have a great weekend.



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