Monday, April 23

SNAP Tidbits & Why I LOVE a Blogging Conference

As promised, 
I wanted to share a bit about SNAP.
{I've spent the past 3 days trying to make a collage without Picnik, & can't seem to produce one. 
But these pics would have looked much more cool displayed that way!}

It was SO. MUCH. FUN!
1st reason I love a blogging conference: 
I tried not to be too star-struck when I met 
the fabulous "Jen" from Tatertots & Jello . . .
or the lovely "Beth" from Home Stories A 2 Z . . .
OR how about Centsational Girl, "Kate" . . .
AND of course my girl "Shelley" from House of Smith's . . .
I have a big, cheesy grin in each photo because it was such a pleasure to meet these awesome ladies.
PLUS, they taught wonderful workshops.
2nd reason I love a blogging conference: 
We received so many nice gifts -
food, craft supplies, jewelry, etc. WAHOO!
3rd reason I love a blogging conference:
Making New Friends & Seeing Old Ones.
Bridgey Widgey

Jamielyn @ I  Heart Naptime

Some cutie who works at Orson Gygi
Another hero - Stacey @ "Not Just a Housewife"
Jamielyn @ I Heart Naptime & Kari @ Newlyweds on a Budget
Number 4 -
It's everywhere. Oozing out of the walls & sidewalks.
Great ideas & fearless women abound.
{Women who, BTW, don't mind having their picture taken -
 it's awesome!}

Thanks so much to everyone who made 


  1. Looks like you had tons of fun! What a great experience, one I hope to have some day. Love the pics...especially the one of all of you in yellow sweaters....Cute!

  2. You are SO SO darling! I am super sad that I didn't get a picture with you tho! I saw you every single day and it didn't even cross my mind! We will have to go to lunch soon!!! BIG BIG HUGS!!!

    1. Cute Andrea - You were one of my favorites of all the wonderful bloggers I met at SNAP . . . obviously a kindred spirit. Would LOVE to go lunch.

      Warmly, Michelle

  3. You are such a doll and so incredibly gorgeous girl (inside and out)! It was a pleasure meeting you too!!

    1. ATTENTION BLOGGERS! Beth Hunter is in the house! ***Star-struck*** WAHOO!

  4. It was so great to see you again! I had a blast catching up and taking amazing classes with you! You are such a sweet and inspiring women! I hope you'll be coming again next year!

    Newlyweds on a Budget

    1. Kari - you are so adorable. I just love you. Thanks for being my friend.

      Warmly, Michelle

  5. Ok first off, you look abso beautiful! Didn't you say you are a gramma?????? What!?!?!?! And it needs to be addressed...some of these celebrity bloggers look NOTHING like they do in their profile pictures!!! Mandi looks exactly the same!! Only I didn't expect her to be so tall! Love these pics...I most likely will never have the moola to fly myself out to a blogger conference so it was fun to live vicariously through you!

    1. Thank you, Kari, for your sweet compliment. Yes, Mandi towers over us all & is one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. All the celebs were extremely kind & personable. This conference was only a few miles from where I live, so I was able to sleep at home & attend it "on the cheap". You should come out next year - you can stay in our guest room!

      Warmly, Michelle

  6. It was so fabulous to meet you! You are a triple threat: sweet, gorgeous and oh so talented! Love you!

    1. Thank you, darling V. It was so great to meet you in person at last. I so enjoyed your company!

      Warmly, Michelle

  7. It was so fun to meet YOU! You are darling and I agree with your post. There are so many reasons blog conferences ROCK :)

  8. It was so great to meet you and hang out Michelle!! It was such an amazing weekend - I'm still trying to recover!! :)

  9. Michelle it looks like you had a blast! YOU ARE PUMPED! Can't wait to see what this amazing experience will do for you and your blog, you were surrounded by so many talented ladies.

  10. Fabulous roundup Michelle, so so so excited to meet you too, it was an amazing event! Can't wait till our paths cross again!

    1. Oh my goodness Kate, thank you for making my month by visiting! As I always say, you really ARE sensational!

      Warmly, Michelle

  11. Yeah! I have been hearing that SNAP was great but YOU are the first person that I have seen put up pictures for us. Thanks!

  12. You had to be my FAVORITE friend I made there. You are just a doll. Lets please stay in touch and get together!

    I am your newest follower :)

  13. I read quite a few tweets on SNAP. It sounded fun. Also, I love all of the outfits in your photos!!

  14. SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I have total Snap envy!
    These are awesome shots and how stinkin' cute are you???
    Thank you for sharing your adventure!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  15. It was fun meeting you, even if it was just briefly :)


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