Friday, April 13

Fabulous Friday Favorites 23

Have you entered my 
latest giveaway?

I'm having so much fun seeing all the
wonderful projects 
you link up on Fabulous Friday.

Here are a few of my favorites from last week.
If you "Pin" them, 
please click on the source first 
{so the creator gets the credit}. Thanks!

I've always wanted to learn how to
make my own water bottle labels.

Stevie at The Moore Babies 
shows us how!
Next, I just love people who can find beauty
in unexpected places -- like Leanne who
created this clever Pop Bottle Centerpiece.
The darling Jenny at Jengerbread Creations
threw an awesome Scientist B-day Party . . . 
And finally, 
I am so taken with these 
Colorful Bathroom Prints
at Remodelaholic . . . 
Many thanks to everyone who attended the party!

If you were featured, please fee free to take a button -

Grab My Button


  1. These features are great! I just became your 600th follower!

    1. WAHOO! Thank you so much for becoming my 600th follower. Oh my goodness - I'm so excited! I have been working for months on a celebration and now I get to have a par-tay! Thank you again.

      Warmly, Michelle

  2. Hi Michells, thank you so much for featuring my Pop Bottle Centerpiece. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just found your blog and began following it - love it! Just wanted to enter the April giveaway...

    1. Welcome aboard and thank you so much for following!

      Warmly, Michelle


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