Sunday, January 15

Sunday Funnies - Letters to God

These darling letters to God made my day. 

Hope you enjoy them too.
{One of my leaders gave me the source:
Children's letters to God 
compiled by Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall}
Dear Neil, Congrats on coming up with a question that
would even make God chuckle. 
Love, Michelle
Dear Nan, Some days I know just how 'ya feel!
 Love, Michelle
Dear Ginny, Find out if you have any Irish in your 
genealogy - it makes St. Patty's Day much more fun!
Love, Michelle
Dear Larry, I know, right? It helped with our boys too!
Love, Michelle
Dear Robert, Me too! Love, Michelle
Dear Donna, BRILLIANT! I can tell you're going to go far!
Love, Michelle
Dear Ruth, Sorry, I like the post-it note more.
Love, Michelle
Dear Joyce, Give it some time. I think I know which will end up being your favorite later. 
Love, Michelle
Dear Elliott, I think you may be onto something there!
Love, Michelle


  1. Are kids the sweetest? Yesterday, my hubby was officiating a wedding, and my youngest asked where he was.

    "At the church marrying somebody", I said.
    "What? He's marrying someone else?" he gasped.
    "No honey, he's just the preacher at the wedding marrying another couple!" I chuckled
    "Oh, thank goodness...I don't want another mommy!"

    So, cute! Boy, was he relieved!!!

  2. Ahhh, I love kids, they are so real, loved that last letter, sweet! ;D

  3. Love your blog, thanks for sharing! Karen

  4. Those look like they came from a book called "Childrens Letters to God" My huuby gave it to me for our 2nd or 3rd Christmas together. The opposite page has cute illustrations to go along with the letter.

  5. Michelle I have that book and I never get tired of reading it!! sweet!

    The title is "Children's letters to God" compiled by Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall. Illustrated by Tom Bloom

  6. These letters made my day too! Thanks for sharing.


  7. AH! Thank You SO much for that sweet little note about my bathroom! (I linked it below!) It Made my day! Then when I hop over here to thank you, I get a good laugh out of it! I just read all of these out loud to my hubs, SO CUTE!
    I am really glad you commented, because I just found a new fabulous blog to follow!!! I hope you can return the 'love' on your next visit.

    Thanks again!

  8. I have seen these. They always make me smile!

  9. Haven't seen these before, had me laughing out loud! ~Lori


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