Friday, January 20

Fabulous Friday Favorites

That's my word for the week.
I wish you all could see me TRYING to pick
my Fab Friday Favorites.
You're all so creative & it makes my job

Here they are in no particular order.

First up, 
comfort food anyone?
How about some delicious 
Golden Potato Bread?
Find the recipe at
Country Momma Cooks.
I'm crazy about these clever
Baby Washcloth Cupcakes. 
Find out how to make them at
Be Sweetly Inspired.
 Under the "some people are so brilliant" category,
I can't believe Myric made this beautiful 
lantern from DRYER SHEETS!?!
Click here to see how.
I'm so inspired by this beautiful 
White Coastal Table Decor
found at Desire Empire.
And finally, 
I loved this humerous post by my blog friend, Kerry,
at HouseTalkN about 
Turning Forty.
Thanks so much to everyone who linked a project.
If you were featured, 
please feel free to grab a button!

Grab My Button


  1. I understand how it could be hard to pick your favorites. There were a lot of wonderful creations! I am so thrilled and honored to be featured here on your blog! Thank you thank you so much!!!


  2. You are the best! Thank you so much for the birthday shout out! I love your par-taay!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN, the forty year old.

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my coastal white table. I will be sure to be back at your next party.

  4. I have to say all those are WOW things.


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