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Tuesday, March 8

Go Lunt Lions!

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We had a wonderful opportunity
last weekend & I wanted to share it
with you.

This is an artist drawing of the
Robert Lunt Elementary School--
named for my father-in-law
who was a devoted educator.

And here's a painting of Dad (looking very presidential)
which hangs in the foyer of the school.

-"Boys will be boys" - the Lunt guys horsing around as Dad looks on -

Mom Lunt also worked in education & spent many hours
volunteering at The Lunt School.
& it was touching to run into this sign with her
name on it . . .

It made us feel close to Mom & Dad as we 
recently spent some time at this wonderful school.
A group of 150 darling kids had spent four Saturdays
coming to school to study for the upcoming CRT tests.

 Our mission: to make it fun by supplying treats!

(As you know I love to feed people!)

The children had just enjoyed some Lunt family hotdogs
when we brought in the surprise . . . 

I don't know who looks more excited in these photos--
the children . . .
or me . . . 
OR my adorable Sis (below) . . .

These kids & devoted teachers 
had worked hard for a month & 
they sure appreciated a little reward.

Hunny & I had fun squirting ice cream toppings (above)
as Bro & Sis helped serve (below).

Best of luck to the Lunt Elementary
kids as they take their tests &
finish up their school year!

It was a privilege to be with you.