Friday, December 16

Fabulous Friday Favorites 14

Wow, what a fun linky party we had last Friday.

It's so hard to pick favorites!
But . . . here's my 
 {in no particular order}.

- Number 1 -
Get ready to be wowed by this 
beautiful Christmas mantle at
- Number 2 -
Looking for a great gift idea?
Rachel can hook you up with these beautiful
Monogramed Coasters at
- Number 3 -
My children are grown, 
but I'm enjoying the adventures other families are 
having with "Elf on a Shelf".
shared some of the fun.
- Number 4 - 
I couldn't resist this beautiful & elegant looking
project made by Sarah at Alderberry Hill.
{PS - you won't believe what it's made out of!}
- Number 5 -
Want your home to smell fabulous for the
holidays? Gaby shares her recipe for a 
simmering potpourri at The Gab Housewife.
Many thanks to everyone who linked up 
a project or recipe last week.
Please come back next Friday!

To those who were featured,
please feel free to take a button . . .

Grab My Button


  1. I'm so honored to be featured for a second time in a row in your Fab Friday! =) I hope you try it, it really smells beautiful, all the house! =)
    Thanks a lot and let's enjoy December!

  2. Awe...thanks for the feature :)

  3. I love checking out all of these great crafts. Thanks for sharing I will follow on my way out and hope you can find the time to drop over to my place and do the same. Merry Christmas and I look forward to supporting your beautiful blog in the New Year. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  4. Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment! I love your blog too and you look too young to be a Grandma! Wishing you a wonderful weekend & Merry Christmas! Angie xo


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