Sunday, November 20

A Fun Way to Count Your Blessings This Thanksgiving

We enjoy various ways of
showing our gratitude
at this special time of the year.

The Thanksgiving Tree is one of our favorites . . .
We keep blank leaves, tape, & a pen in the
envelope . . . 
Friends & family members 
write something they are grateful for
on the leaves & attach them to the tree.

Sometimes we write about the little 
things like "crushed ice" or "chocolate".
And there are always notes about 
appreciation of family.

How do you count your blessings?

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Hi, Michelle

    What a great Thanksgiving decor. I love doing stuff like this. Thanks for sharing and I am going to give this a go.


  2. Love this idea, Michelle! Thanks for sharing it with us :)


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