Thursday, November 17

The Cutest Thank You Note I've Ever Received

BTW, it's not to late to 
 win a beautiful new Shabby Apple dress 
in my giveaway!
Not that many people have entered, 
so your odds are excellent.
Click here to enter.

I just received the 
cutest thank you note
& I wanted to share it with you . . .
I love the gracious tradition of sending
a heart-felt note to acknowledge the receipt of a gift.

And this darling couple had the 
most fun wedding photography I've ever seen.
I wish I had access to more pictures
so that I could show you!

Congrats Melanie & Dustin
on starting your life together.
And your thank you note made me smile.


  1. What a lovely picture and idea!


  2. I love that! I hope I remember this when my kids are getting married. Very thoughtful!

  3. I love that. I will make sure I show that to my daughter.

  4. That's the best idea for a thank you ever!!!

    Lina --Fancy Frugal Life


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