Tuesday, December 21

Our Christmas Card to You

Dear Blog Friends,
Here is our Christmas
card from our family 
to yours . . . 

(Photo by Jackie Kinahan)
This year has brought good & bad . . .
a marriage that didn't survive, to 
a beloved son returning home from 
a far-away land, & a little girl who
continues to be a joy to her 
grandparents, father, & uncles.
And, for now, all my sons are under
one roof again.
One thing is for sure, 
the peace of Christ has blessed us
through joy & pain.
We wish the same for you!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I want to hear from one person who did not have any bad at all in their year. I am glad your year turned out pretty decent and here is back at you: Merry Christmas and hope next year is better for you!

  2. I'm sorry it's been a rough year, I hope next year brings emense joy!

    I ALSO hope we get to meet in person one day! *knock on wood*

    You're awesome!


  3. So, I just nominated you for the stylish blogger award, because I think you and your blog are awesome!

    Come check it out on my blog!


  4. Beautiful card.
    Beautiful family.
    We all have difficult years from time to time...sometimes life is just plain tough stuff.
    That's what I know.
    Merry Christmas

  5. Beautiful card. Beautiful colors. Merry Christmas!

  6. WOW, you are my kind o' gal!!! Absolutely LoVe this card...a friend and I ran into each other in the grocery store the other day and after catching up, we laughed about "reality christmas cards"...how do you say "God has come, let us rejoice", along with all the bumps in the road...well, you did it...you produced the best "reality christmas card"!! So beautiful!!! May the rain of 2010 bring a 2011 bumper crop for you and yours, my dear sister!!!!!

  7. I am sorry to hear about the marriage. That must have been hard. You guys all look amazing! I have to tell you that I buy an ornament for my kids collection every year also! We also open a gift on Christmas Eve AND I have a Santa collection! SO similar...that is funny! :)


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