Wednesday, December 1

Economical Christmas Church Dinner Decor

Last year, about this time,
I helped my friend with
her church Christmas dinner 
The pictures are very mediocre,
but I wanted to share these
very low cost ideas with you.

In the center of the dining tables
we started with squares of wrapping
paper from the dollar store,

sprigs of fresh evergreen,
(Free from the back yard! The wrapping
paper underneath protects the table linens from tree sap.)

glass cylinders wrapped in
tissue paper,
(inside each cylinder, we put a few inches of
rock salt with a battery votive candle on top)

silver ornaments from
the dollar store.

On the buffet table,
the "table runners" are 
wrapping paper from the 
dollar store!

More cylinders in the center
are filled with rock salt 
(& there is rock salt sprinkled around them
to resemble snow).
Branches - spray painted white-
are in the cylinders &
dollar store ornaments adorn them. 

The foam snowflakes are
also from . . . you guessed it!

It all looked much better in person - of course!
The vases or cylinders were all borrowed, so the
only cost was a few dollars 
worth of decorations
to give this huge gym a 
little Christmas atmosphere.
Clean-up was made easier with by just rolling up the
wrapping paper & throwing it away.

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. Nice job, Michelle! I am always called upon to decorate for our church's events, and the budget is always $0. Dollar Tree is a great place to find frugal decorative items, but it also takes a lot of creativity. I'm sure the ladies really appreciated what you did!

  2. Beautiful decor! amazing results with such a modest budget! I am always on a budget too ;)


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