(Cue Angels Singing) . . . I found this cool mirror! AND it was only $5! In my excitement to paint it, I forgot to take a before photo, but it was that gold color your mom used to decorate with in her house. Here's a picture of the frame with primer on it and some of the gold peeking through. If you get lucky, the frame will screw off your mirror--which makes the glass so much easier to clean & the frame easier to paint as well.
So, with a couple coats of primer & lots of this pink spray paint (from Home Depot), here's the finished project. It's not in it's special spot yet, I just put it here to take a picture. Wouldn't it be great in a little girl's room pared with black & white? Sa-weet!

This project was also featured on the "Show Off Your Stuff Party" at:

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