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Tuesday, April 27

Cropping - One of My Favorite Superpowers!

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Does anyone else out there wish they could be a **SUPERHERO**?  I often dream about what superpowers I'd like to possess . . . like maybe to fix broken hearts with a single hug. That would be awesome. Well, I don't want to boast, but I do have one superpower and YOU CAN TOO!! It's the ability to make people smile when they see a pretty picture. And you don't even need a cape. I'm talking about . . . ta-da . . . cropping! I use iphoto on my Apple computer, but if you don't have the capability at home--it can also be done at stores like Walgreens.

Here are some examples of the difference it makes. Over the weekend, I took some photos of "Baby Love" aka Nellie (my grand daughter). She doesn't stay still for long, so no chance of lengthy photo shoots of posing are likely.  Here's the first shot.

The unnecessary is edited out & I've zoomed in to catch that delighted expression.

Here's the little angel sweeping off the trampoline. The broom wasn't on my list of beautiful prompts, & I didn't love the tramp in the background either!

Ah! Well, the results sure make me smile. I hope it works for you too. And make sure to tell me about your cropping adventures.

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